A vending machine stocked with bottles of summer scented air was assembled at Slough train station to help evoke holiday memories among commuters.
A hundred bottles were filled with distinctive holiday fragrances, including freshly cut grass, BBQ, sun cream and sea air, which were revealed as the nation's favorites. Situated in the station's ticket office, the novelty vending machine invited commuters to enjoy a free pick-me-up on their way to work.

OnePoll carried out a survey in July 2015 and found that 69 percent of 2,000 people consider the smell of freshly cut grass to be the most evocative summertime fragrance. While 40 percent said they prefer the smell of a good BBQ, 39 percent enjoy the distinctive fragrance of sun cream and 38 percent find sea air to be the perfect summertime cure.

The survey also found that on average Britons start to feel the holiday-blues a mere 16 days after returning to the UK. And the vast majority (82 percent) said that holiday memories offer the perfect pick-me-up for when they are feeling down.
Michael Callaghan, of Holiday Autos, the company who commissioned the survey, said: 'We want to inject as much fun, freedom and frivolity into holidays as possible by giving people back that holiday feeling and something to smile about – we think the Smells of Summer vending machine really does just that. It's likely that we will want to take our newest invention on the road and bring some summer sunshine to commuters around the country.'
迈克尔·卡拉汉来自委托此调查的Holiday Autos公司,他说:“我们希望人们能重新体会度假时的感觉和一些让他们快乐的事物,尽我们所能为假日增添更多的乐趣、自由、快乐。我们认为夏日芬芳空气贩售机确实致力于此。我们可能会将我们的最新发明推广出去,在马路上也安装这种贩售机,给全国的通勤者带来一些夏日阳光。”
scented: 有香味的
commuter: 通勤者
pick-me-up: 让人振作的事物,提神的酒
evocative: 唤起的,激起的
frivolity: 轻松的乐事,兴高采烈;轻浮的举止
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