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译声翻译给您提供最优质的服务 巴基斯坦男子掐死三个亲生女儿

The three little girls were killed by father Irshad Ahmed on Sunday night. Their distraught mother Shabana Naz found their bodies the next day.


She told MailOnline Ahmed didn’t want to waste money on their upbringing. But when she told his family he wanted to kill them, Shabana was ignored.


Irshad Ahmed killed his three daughters, twins Chashman and Aman aged seven and a five-year-old Fiza, on Sunday night, after encouraging his wife Shabana Naz to attend a wedding with their only son. She only took one of her daughters, the youngest aged two, after refusing to leave her behind at their home. A neighbour told her what had happened later: she returned, Shabana discovered the bodies of the three little girls lying in the bed - and their father gone.

周日晚,伊尔沙德-艾哈迈德哄骗妻子带着唯一的儿子去参加婚礼,然后他杀死了三个女儿,两个是7岁的双胞胎Chashman和 Aman,另外一个名为Fiza,只有5岁。当时两岁的小女儿坚持要跟着母亲,四个女儿中她只带走了三个。之后邻居告诉了她发生了什么:莎巴娜回到家时,在床上发现了三个孩子的尸体,她们的父亲则不知所踪。

Speaking today, Shabana revealed how her husband had believed his daughters to be worthless, claiming they would mean the family would ’die of hunger’. ’He said, "I do not want to educate them and don’t want to waste money on their upbringing. My only son is my future hope and one day I will vanish these four problems",’ the 35-year-old told MailOnline.


She added: ’My husband never gave my daughters a penny of pocket money when they went to school. All their school fees, uniform and expenses for books were paid by my parents.’ Shabana said things had got worse since the birth of her youngest daughter.


He always said that we all would die of hunger as we have four daughters and it’s a big expense of their education and then marrying them.’ Shabana said she had tried to tell people about Ahmed’s threats, but no one had taken her seriously. She had now fled to her parents’ home, where she feels safer.


Police in the central province of Punjab confirmed Ahmed was wanted for the killing. Other villagers said Ahmed had been on anti-depressants in the lead-up to the murders.


However, it is not unheard of for a father to kill his daughters in Pakistan, where they can be considered a burden. In 2013, Umar Zaib, 28, was arrested for drowning his 18-month-old daughter because he had wanted a son instead.

但巴基斯坦并不是第一次发生这样这样的悲剧,在这个国家,女儿都被视为一种负担。2013年,28岁的Umar Zaib因想要男孩而溺死自己18个月大的女儿,之后被捕。

Shabanaz is now calling for her husband - who she claims was addicted to weed - to be hanged. ’I want the same punishment for my husband which he chose for my innocent daughters,’ she said.




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